23 November 2010

Hey folks!
So... we are back from Norway and it was really great!!!
Nice People and wonderful country!
I loved the activities and especially the evenings!

See you soon.(I hope!)

2 October 2010


Friday was our last schoolday - now we finally have got 2 weeks autumn-holidays!!!! :D
I won't go on holidays in an other country or so. 
But I go for three days in a therme with huge slidepark with my mum, little brother, my neighbour and his family.
I think it will be great. :)

23 September 2010

It was a quiet history lesson as suddenly the firealarm began.
(First we thought it's a mobile phone or something like this. or a guinea pig. xD)
all student pack their mobile quickly and go outside.
It was a really Migration to the stadion and many people from the new development watched us and they probably wonderd what about 700 people are doing their.

Some stundents hope that the school was burning but it was just a test alarm.
This brought a little variety in our otherwise not too interesting schoolday. ;)

22 September 2010

21 September 2010

Today we had our second comenius meeting.
We wrote our groupblogs and edit our facebookaccount.
Very nice people at facebook. ;)
the comeniusproject is very great. :)

cu ;D

school over generations